Home Learning Videos 2021 (Lockdown 3)

Year 2 Masked Reader

Science with Mrs Spencer

Yoga with Mrs LeMarquand

Year 1 1.3.21 Handwriting

Year 6 - English Lesson 3 - Re-telling Parts of the Story

English lesson 3 - Re-telling part of the story from Fox's perspective - online lesson.

Year 6 - English Lesson 2 - Using Emotive Language

English Lesson 2 - Using emotive language - online lesson.

Year 6 - Brackets and Dashes Lesson

An online lesson to support the understanding of using brackets and dashes.

Year 6 - English Lesson 1 - Reflecting on the Key Text

English lesson 1 - Reflecting on the key text - online lesson.

Year 2 Handwriting w.b. 1.3.21

23/2/21 Year 1 Phase 5 Phonics a

Year 6 - How a Fossil is Formed

A short video to explain how a fossil is formed.

22.1.21 Year 1 Phase 3 Phonics ow

Year 6 - Using Algebra to Create a Formula

An online lesson to support the understanding of using algebra to create a formula (session 5).

Year 6 - How a Formula Works

An online lesson to support understanding of how a formula works.

Year 6 - AMND English Lesson 3

English lesson 3 - 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

Year 6 - AMND English Lesson 2

English lesson 2 - 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

Year 1 w.b. 22.2.21 Handwriting

Year 6 - AMND English Lesson 1

English lesson 1 - 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

Year 6 - Questions and Exclamations

An online lesson to support the understanding of using question marks and exclamation marks.

Year 2 Handwriting w.b. 22.1.21

Year 1 Aliens Love Underpants by Mrs Everson

Year 6 - Oliver Twist Listen and Respond - Chapter 5

An online lesson to support understanding of the text - Oliver Twist.

Year 1 Phase 3 Phonics or

Year 1 Phase 5 Alternative Pronunciation ow

Year 6 - Converting between stone, pounds and ounces

An online lesson to support understanding of converting between stone, pounds and ounces.

Year 6 - Word Classes Part 2

An online lesson to support understanding of word classes.

Year 1 w.b 8.2.21 Handwriting Video

Year 1 w.b 8.2.21 Iggy Thinks PowerPoint

Year 2 Handwriting W.B. 8.2.21

All Years - Assignment Tips

Year 6 - Finding a Percentage of an Amount

An online video to support understanding of finding a percentage of an amount.

Year 6 - Microsoft TEAMS Assignments Guide

A short video to explain how to access and use assignments on Microsoft TEAMS.

Year 6 - Oliver Twist Listen and Respond - Lesson 4

An online lesson to support understanding of the text - Oliver Twist

Year 1 The Creation Story

Powerpoint retelling the story of Creation.

Year 6 - Word Classes Lesson

An online lesson to support understanding of word classes.

Year 1 w.b. 1.2.21 Mrs Spencer's Science Experiment

Year 1 Handwriting 1.2.21

Year 1 Phase 5 Alternative Pronunciation i

Year 1 Phase 3 Phonics igh trigraph

Year 1 w.b 1.2.21 Peace at Last

Year 1 w.b 1.2.21 Mrs Jones Reads Pip Predicts PowerPoint

28.1.21 Mrs LeMarquand's Yoga

Year 2 Handwriting Session w.b. 1.2.21

Year 6 - Oliver Twist Listen and Respond - Chapter 3

An online lesson to support understanding of the text - Oliver Twist.

Year 6 - Relative Clauses

An online lesson to support understanding of relative clauses.

Year 6 - Main and Subordinate Clauses

An online lesson to support understanding of main and subordinate clauses.

Year 6 - Converting Between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

An online lesson to support understanding of converting between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Year 1 27.1.21 Mrs Everson reading Giraffes Can't Dance

Year 1 w.b.25.1.21 Phase 5 Phonics i_e

Year 1 w.b 25.1.21 Phase 3 Phonics ai

Year 1 29.1.21 Maths Track Back End of Unit Assessment

Year 1 29.1.21 Maths Main Group End of Unit Assessment

Year 1 w.b 25.1.21 Mrs Brown's Number Bingo

Year 1 27.1.21 Mrs Jones' reading Victor Spots PowerPoint

Year 2 maths challenge 25.1.21

Year 2 Jessica Watson Reading video

Year 2 Art - w.b. 25.1.21

Friendly Friday wellbeing week 1

year 1 The three little pigs science materials part 1

Listen to the story of the three little pigs and find out what materials the first little pig used to build his house. Try and test some materials to find which are waterproof.

Thankful Thursday Wellbeing Powerpoint

Year 2 Handwriting Session - Horizontal Joins 'o' and 'r' - w.b. 25.1.21

Wishes Wednesday Wellbeing Powerpoint

w.b 18.1.21 Yoga with Mrs LeMarquand

Year 6 - Oliver Twist Listen and Respond - Chapter 2

An online lesson to support understand of the text - Oliver Twist.

Year 1- The Tiger Who Came To Tea- Part 2

Y6 - Oliver Twist Listen and Respond Lesson 1

Video Link for lesson 1 Oliver Twist listen and respond.

Y6 - Reading Comprehension Lesson - The Trip

An online lesson to support answering the reading comprehension questions based on the text - The Trip.

Y6 - Maths Reflection Q6

An online lesson to support with answering question 6 from the White Rose reflection questions.

Year 6 - Using Commas to Clarify Meaning Lesson

An online lesson to support with grammar activities - using commas.

Y6 - Division to Solve Problems Question 1 and 7 - Lesson

An online lesson to support the understanding of questions 1 and 7 from White Rose maths - Division to solve problems.

Y6 - Using Correct Speech Punctuation (Inverted Commas) - Lesson

An online lesson to explain how to use speech punctuation correctly.

Year 3 Home Learning

Year 2 Suggested Timetable Video and Check In

Year 1-Mrs Brown's art w.c 18.1.21

Year 1- Mrs Joyce's Phonics w.c 18.1.21

Year 1 English 20.1.21

Year 1 Maths Main group 21.1.21

Year 1 Maths Track Back 21.1.21

Year 1- The Tiger Who Came To Tea- Part 1